Luca Nenna

Luca Nenna

Maître de conférences HDR

Université Paris-Saclay


Hello! Welcome to my website! I am a maître de conférences in applied mathematics (:= associate professor) in the department of Mathematics at Paris-Saclay University. I am the P.I. of the ANR GOTA and a member of the Inria-Saclay team ParMa.

$\bullet$ Important: The servers of Paris-Saclay are under a cyber attack meaning that I have not been able to login into my email account universite-paris-saclay since August 11. In order to contact me write to

I defended my HdR (French habilitation) on the 6th March 2024. You can find here the manuscript.

Before that, I was a post-doc under the supervision of Mathieu Lewin.

In December 2016 I completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Jean-David Benamou and Guillaume Carlier.

$\bullet$ My research interests lie at the intersection of Optimal Transport, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Economics and Numerical Optimization.

$\bullet$ With Quentin Mérigot I organise a monthly seminar on Optimal Transport, PDE and Machine Learning at LMO.

$\bullet$ News: I have been awarded a Frontiers of Science Award.

  • Optimal Transport
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Mathematical Economics
  • Numerical Optimization
  • HdR in Mathematics, 2024

    Université Paris-Saclay

  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2016

    PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine

  • Master degree in Mathematical Engineering, 2013

    Politecnico di Milano


I will visit Brendan Pass in Edmonton
Kantorovich meeting
2024 international Congress of Basic Sciences
4th Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
I will be on secondement in Matherials team


Maître de conférences
Université Paris-Saclay
Sep 2018 – Present Orsay, France
CNRS, PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine
Sep 2017 – Aug 2018 Paris, France
Under the supervision of Mathieu Lewin.
PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine
Sep 2016 – Aug 2017 Paris, France
Temporary assistant professor.

Recent & Upcoming Talks

2024 International Congress of Basic Science
4th Italian Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics
EMC2 seminar

Recent Publications

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(2024). The ground state energy is not always convex in the number of electrons. preprint.

PDF Cite Slides

(2024). A numerical method for regularized transportation problems. Frontiers of Science Award Paper.

PDF Cite Slides

Teaching A.Y. 2023/2024

Calculus of Variations
Optimisation et simulation numérique
Optimisation numérique
M1 Maths I.A. (voir eCampus)
Introduction to optimization
M2 Optimization
