Hello! Welcome to my website! I am a maître de conférences in applied mathematics (:= associate professor) in the department of Mathematics at Paris-Saclay University. I am the P.I. of the ANR GOTA and a member of the Inria-Saclay team ParMa.
I defended my HdR (French habilitation) on the 6th March 2024. You can find here the manuscript.
Before that, I was a post-doc under the supervision of Mathieu Lewin.
In December 2016 I completed my Ph.D. under the supervision of Jean-David Benamou and Guillaume Carlier.
$\bullet$ My research interests lie at the intersection of Optimal Transport, Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Economics and Numerical Optimization.
$\bullet$ I co-organise a monthly seminar on Optimal Transport, PDE and Machine Learning at LMO.
$\bullet$ News: I will be a plenary speaker at the International Conference of Basic Science 2025 in Beijing.
$\bullet$ News: With M. Laborde and P. Pegon we organise a workshop at the bucolic Fondation des Treilles .
HdR in Mathematics, 2024
Université Paris-Saclay
PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2016
PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine
Master degree in Mathematical Engineering, 2013
Politecnico di Milano